May 23, 2010

UPDATE: AWA Supplement Guidelines - Correcting Error

Some folks are having trouble because of the 2,000 character limit of, so if you are one, see the Technical Method (ULTRA-SHORTENED Message). Thanks eAdvocate
5-23-2010 National:

On 5-20-2010 I explained to folks what had happened on the website which prevents EVERYONE from posting "comments" to the NEW Supplemental Guidelines (SG)(actually they are NEW Proposed Rules).

So far, to my knowledge, all efforts to get to post the SG correctly (to allow electronic comments), seems to have failed, but MANY have tried.

So, I am proposing a "National Effort" to do this, between the WIDE LINES below (RED on Internet Explorer) is a sample e-mail to the website which explains (to them) everything that has transpired (on their website) and why it is incorrect, then asks them to fix the problem to allow electronic comments to OAG Docket No. 134, on their website.

Also, I suggest that folks e-mail a DUPLICATE to the SMART Office, this way both sides of the problem have been notified, on the outside chance there is some tricky interpretation of what is written in the Federal Register. In addition, (OPTIONAL) it would not hurt to involve your personal representatives in Washington DC (Send them a copy too). You are their constituent and ask them to look into the matter ASAP.

1) On the website is a TAB for "Contact Us" (click my link to get there) and a form will be displayed. Enter the *Required information (Note: Either your e-mail address -OR- your phone no. is required) and copy EXACTLY what is below between the red bars into the box below the "Technical Question (already checked)" area, (I have checked to make sure comment below is within the 2000 character limit) and simply SUBMIT that to them; its that easy.

2) Then, in a regular e-mail (Subject Line: OAG Docket No. 134), copy the same information below (between the red bars), and send it to the SMART Office as well as your personal representatives in Washington DC. Remember, your are their constituents and they should help you with Federal Government problems, this is one, major one.

In case folks have forgotten why this is so important to registrants nationally, please read my earlier commentary: " Action Alert: RE: Supplemental Guidelines - Section II (A International Travel)" which also deals with everyday lives of registrants locally (Domestic as they call it). Finally, I have also been advised that there is a misconception as to the retroactivity within the Supplement Guidelines and I will soon do another detailed commentary.

Now there are LESS THAN 60 days for electronic comments because of this snafu. Speed is of the essence, remember, the mechanism for electronic comments ( must work or folks are stuck with snail-mail. That simply will not do in the electronic age we now live in, esp. if folks want to send multiple comments.


RE: OAG Docket No. 134
To website -and/or- the SMART Office:

On 5-14-2010 the Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General (Agency) posted NEW Supplemental Guidelines for Sex Offender Registration and Notification for the public to comment on until 7-13-2010. A link to that Federal Register is here: Within that Federal Register document, it states the following:
DATES: Written comments must be postmarked and electronic comments must be submitted on or before July 13, 2010. Commenters should be aware that the electronic Federal Docket Management System will not accept comments after Midnight Eastern Time on the last day of the comment period.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to Linda M. Baldwin, Director, SMART Office, Office of Justice Programs, United States Department of Justice, 810 7th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20531.

To ensure proper handling, please reference OAG Docket No. 134 on your correspondence. You may submit comments electronically or view an electronic version of these proposed guidelines at

Linda M. Baldwin, Director, Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking; Office of Justice Programs, United States Department of Justice, Washington, DC, 202–305–2463.

Posting of Public Comments
Please note that all comments received are considered part of the public record and made available for public inspection online at

On the website the Federal Register document is posted as a "Notice" for the Agency "OJP" and DOES NOT permit the public to enter electronic comments as described in the Federal Register. Link to that document on

When you open the above link four(4) boxes are checked under "Document Type" they are: "Proposed Rule" "Rule" "Notice" "Other"

Given "Proposed Rule" is checked and it is not yet 7-13-2010 the public must be allowed to submit electronic comments (see Federal Register). The problem is, opening page, where it explains and allows one to submit comments, DOES NOT work for this document. Hence, no one can submit electronic comments to this document!

In the Federal Register it clearly says electronic comments may be submitted, and also clearly points the public to the site to do so. Further, it also says comments are available for public inspection on the website.

The Federal Register allows 60 days for electronic comments, 10 days or so have already been lost, due to this snafu, how can this be fixed -way before- 60 days are up?

Thank you.
/ Signed /



MrCoffee said...


I have sent my email to both and, have you?

Furebear said...

I have sent a revised version to meet the 2000 character limit.
Thanks Again

Anonymous said...

Done it now let us see what happens

Brenda said...

Please help me!
I have tried several times doing exactly as your instructions stated, but it will NOT allow me to submit!