November 19, 2013

Blog Tips


Apparently our new feature "UPDATED" is causing some confusion. OK, if you click UPDATED you see cases and issues from different states.

Assuming you are interested ONLY in cases from your state, then you ignore any shown not from your state. However, if you are interested in an issue from another state, then you only look for cases from that state.

Lately it does seem there have been more UPDATES than usual, but this is a way to keep track of whats happening in the courts, in any state. Who knows, something that happens elsewhere may be relevant in your courts. Thats a good thing to know. Hint hint..


Because of so many court cases and other rulings about "Blogger Speech" we have created a special news section in the Quick Links on the right side of the blog. Now please see both:

State News: ( .News-Blogger Speech
National News: ( .News-Blogger Speech

Then you'll see everything we have gathered on the subject. If you know of something we should add please let us know.



Slowly we are getting around to including this new section to our blogs. Its' purpose is to keep readers informed of various changes or updates about the blog.

This Tip post will be updated each time we make some change, so readers can come back to it and see everything we have done over time, sort of a UPDATE.

For now have a great day and a better tomorrow.

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