October 3, 2008

CA- Senator Jack Scott: Ex-Sex Offenders OK as Students

10-3-2008 California:

Chancellor-Elect of California Community Colleges and former PCC President Sen. Jack Scott said Wednesday that sex offenders should be allowed on campus to pursue their education.

"I'm a strong believer in second chances. If someone has served his time and is deemed worthy to reenter society, a public school should not prevent that person from obtaining an education," said Scott.

Scott was speaking in an interview after his appearance at the Faculty Flex Day.

Scott quickly pointed out that there must be a line drawn between those seeking to learn and those in positions of authority in the school.

"I am very strongly against the hiring of convicted felons, especially ones convicted of sexual offenses," said Scott.

One of Scott's education bills, signed by Gov. Schwarzenegger on Tuesday, concerns sex offenders in schools. Senate Bill 1110 is aimed at protecting students from sexual predators. The bill requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to revoke the credential of an educator if a criminal conviction has resulted in a court order prohibiting contact with minors.

"The bill will protect students in schools from potential sexual predators," said Scott's Spokeswoman Wendy Gordon.

The subject has been debated after football player Darryl Stephens, a convicted sex offender, was arrested on campus on suspicion of assault. Subsequently, PCC's Head Football Coach Kenny Lawler is currently under investigation regarding whether he followed college policies and procedures, according to Interim Dean and Athletic Director Beverly Tate. Lawler was placed on "administrative leave" Sept. 19.

Scott, a devout advocate of strict gun control, also commented on whether PCC police officers should have guns.

"The issue really depends on how dangerous the area in question is. I would initially oppose the idea to arm officers on campus because people equipped with firearms are prone to use them," said Scott. ..News Source.. by Pasadena City College

1 comment:

Book38 said...

Why is it that we come across one or two intelegent and informed individuals in the government.

This Senator is an example to his peers. He understands that people need to re-enter society after paying their debt to society.

I heard no hate or anger from this Senator. I think the other politicians KNOW that ex-offenders are not a problem. They just want a vote from the public.

Politicians on the state and federal level need to adopt the same attitude as Senatory Jack Scott. We have one of the lowest recidivism rates across the country. We should be able to re-integrae back into society. This is how we protect our community. By helping the ex-offender become a productive citizen once again!!