June 16, 2007

Reliability and Validity of the Static-2002 Among Adult Sexual Offenders with Reference to Treatment Status

May 2007 NCJ 218434:

This study sought to investigate the reliability and validity of the Static-2002, as a measure of sexual offense recidivism risk.

Abstract: Overall, the data is encouraging suggesting that the Static-2002 has reasonable scale properties, can be coded reliably, and is at least as accurate at predicting sexual/serious recidivism as it predecessors, while representing an attempt to enhance conceptual clarity and scoring consistency. The Static-2002 is an instrument developed to predict sexual and violent recidivism among sexual offenders. In a sample comprised of 468 sexual offenders offered treatment at the Warkworth Sexual Behavior Clinic (WSCB), this study carried out a series of analyses to investigate the reliability and validity of the Static-2002. Participants were followed for an average of 5.9 years after their release. Tables, figures, references ..more.. by Calvin M. Langton ; Howard E. Barbaree ; Kevin T. Hansen ; Leigh Harkins ; Edward J. Peacock Study is available from

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