March 17, 2015

New bill would remove sex offenders from group homes

Do all lawmakers have a brain the size of a pea? Here we see a bill supposedly to protect folks in group homes, there because of a physical or mental need, displacing folks who have the same need but are on a registry for a former sex offense many years ago. OK, now what do these pea brained lawmakers do with the folks their bill displaced? These are still citizens with a Americans with Disability Act need, who could use that Act to sue the state for discrimination.
3-17-15 New York:

It was a story that left a lot of people outraged. In one of our exclusive New York State Exposed segments, we told you about the state moving sex offenders into group homes right in the middle of neighborhoods.

Now, if passed, a new bill would ban sex offenders from being housed along with people with developmental disabilities; people lawmakers say are the most vulnerable in our society.

On Monday, we followed up with the Cades who live right near a group home on North Road. We checked. There is still a registered sex offender living there. The Cades feel some relief hearing about the senate bill, but they say they won’t rest until this bill becomes law, and they get some new neighbors.

“You never know, if you’re walking in your yard or on the street just going for a walk, who you’re going to run into,” said Beth Cade, lives next to group home.

Beth and Skip Cade have lived on North Road in Scottsville for the past five decades, but life has been a little different this past year. Two doors away is a group home for developmentally disabled people, run by the state. Last February, they learned the state moved in two, convicted sex offenders when it closed the Monroe Developmental Center in Brighton.

“Because it’s a state owned facility, they just pushed them into these houses, basically a house that’s what it is, with locks on the doors,” said Skip.

The Cades have spoken about this since last year, as have many of you, and Albany listened. The bill passed by the senate on Monday would make it illegal for registered sex offenders (who have the same need) to live with people with developmental disabilities in a community residence. This is exactly the situation in Scottsville.

Now the bill has to pass the state assembly. “Listen to the public. They don’t want people who are a danger to the community right where they live,” said Skip.

Scottsville Village Trustee Leslie Wagar told us, by phone, that village leaders would support a bill that would remove the sex offenders, saying “it’s not an appropriate setting for them.”

The bill has to be passed by the state assembly to become law. ..Source.. by

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