February 11, 2014

McGregor Passes New Sex Offender Ordinance

2-11-2014 Texas:

MCGREGOR - The city of McGregor passed a new ordinance that will prohibit sex offenders from living close to schools, daycare centers and parks.

Police say multiple sex offenders moved into McGregor in the last two weeks. The ordinance was introduced to the city four years ago. Some cities in Central Texas have a similar ordinance, but it took McGregor a few years to pass the rule because of administration changes.

McGregor Police Chief Steve Foster says six sex offenders moved into the area within the last two weeks. Sex offenders are required to register with authorities when they move in to a new town. Foster took notice of it and revisited the ordinance.

The city council discussed the issue on Monday night saying, "We've got to give them a place to stay, but we can make it smaller."

Foster says the new rule says sex offenders cannot live within 1,000 feet of schools, parks and daycare centers.

The sex offenders who are already registered and living in town cannot legally be told to move.

The ordinance will take effect immediately. ..Source.. by Mike Iliopoulos