February 24, 2014

Georgia lawmaker apologizes for bill scrapping sex offender loitering statute

Lawmaker does two-step when he realizes he just killed his career with bill supporting sex offenders..

UPDATE: He apologizes to GA House

2-24-2014 Georgia:

A freshman Republican state lawmaker apologized Monday for introducing legislation that would scrap a state ban on registered sex offenders loitering near schools, daycare centers and other places where children gather.

“In hindsight, this rookie mistake was silly,” Rep. Sam Moore of Cherokee County said in an extraordinary speech delivered on the House floor. “I am mature enough to admit that. At the time though, I believed that I was fulfilling a campaign promise to hit the ground running.”

Moore said he did not intend to enable child molesters with House Bill 1033. He said he was instead trying to protect Fifth Amendment rights by eliminating what he says are discriminatory and vague state laws against loitering. ..Source.. by Jeremy Redmon