October 1, 2012

Indy jail changes rules for arrested sex offenders

10-1-2012 Indiana:

A convicted rapist's release from the Marion County Jail in Indianapolis days before the brutal rape of a woman has led to new procedures for rearrested sex offenders.

Sheriff's Capt. Michael Hubbs said Monday that registered offenders who are arrested for any crime now are interviewed by sex offender registration deputies. He says 18 people have been charged with registration violations since the new protocol began.

The changes follow the July release of Shawn Corbally from the jail when he was registered in western Indiana's Clinton County but actually living with his mother in Indianapolis. Police say he broke into a woman's home in suburban Greenwood five days later and raped her.

Corbally had been arrested in Indianapolis in connection with a sexual assault but released because of evidence problems. ..Source.. by SFGate.com

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