April 17, 2012

ALERT: Human Rights Watch - Seeks Juvenile Case Examples for Research Project

4-16-2012 National:


I would like to take a moment from my research to say “THANK YOU” to all that have participated and assisted with the Human rights Watch research thus far. With your assistance, I have conducted nearly 100 interviews of youth and their families in various parts of the country. You all have welcomed me in your homes and lives with open arms.


Many of you have suggested that I tailor my ‘search for interview bulletin’ to clarify that the report is focusing on the harm of registration laws on child registrants and their families. I took your suggestions to heart and revised the research description. Please feel free to circulate the REVISED RESEARCH PARAMETERS below and flyer far and wide.

Again, thank you for your amazing trust and making me feel like family. My travels will continue … I look forward to meeting many of you soon.


My name is Nicole Pittman. I have worked on reforming federal and state sex offender registration laws for nearly seven years. As an advocate and researcher for Human Rights Watch, I am currently conducting a nationwide investigation on the harmful impact of sex offender registration and notification laws on children. The published Human Rights Watch report will focus on documenting and advocating against the human rights violations that stem from placing children on sex offender registries.
Interviews will extend to but are not limited to persons who meet the following characteristics and categories;
1.                  Children (under the age of 18) who have been adjudicated delinquent or convicted as an adult of a sex offense AND;
a.       Subject (or subjected) to sex offender registration and notification laws.
b.       Were subjected to registration or notification laws but successfully petitioned to get off the registry
c.       Were subject to registration and notification laws but aged out of the juvenile justice system and no longer are required to register.
2.                  Family Members affected by a child relative subject to registration and notification. Family members can also include siblings, cousins, grandparents, aunts/uncles, coaches, clergy, foster parents, teacher, principals, or anyone in a guardian/mentor-like position in the child’s life that was indirectly affected by the child’s registration status.
3.                  Attorneys representing children in underlying criminal proceedings or adjudications.
4.                  Government Officials A Government official in this case can be a probation officer, a judge, prosecutor, mandatory sex offender treatment provider, sex offender registration group treatment provider, police officer, interstate compact on juvenile official, etc.
I will be interviewing in various states during the spring/early summer 2012. Attached you will find a copy of the breath of the specific issues I would like to explore. Please feel free to contact me directly (email is best). pittman@hrw.org.


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