March 2, 2012

What really is ALEC Exposed ??

3-2-2012 National:

Last evening on the Florida Action Committee TalkShoe show (which was really good) the topic of "ALEC Exposed" was brought up. What is it?

It is simply a company (or group if you will) that has certain talents and connections with folks in Congress and State Lawmakers.

Brief example of how they work: Lets say a few oil companies (or some other industry) want to get some law changed in a way that benefits them. They find a company like ALEC and have them write up a bill which can be presented in Congress or State legislatures. Then using ALEC's connections, they find lawmakers who will present the bill in either Congress or State legislatures.

Conceptually that is how they work, that is their basic function, they are part of the mechanism to get laws enacted. They are a service for a HIGH price.

Now, a second and very smart thing they do is this, they hold periodic meetings, invite various companies, find out what would benefit those companies, then they do what they do best, they write up a law, and the rest of the story is above.

Is any of this illegal? NO! Its simply the way this world works. Is it possible for a group of sex offender advocates to do what ALEC does? YES!

Unfortunately none of us have the resources or contacts which a company like ALEC has, so we do what they do, on a smaller scale. ALEC is big business, we know they exist, cannot beat them, but by testifying and contacting lawmakers we take baby steps in this lawmaking process.

Now, is it always possible to know who or what is behind various bills? No, not without researchers who can dig until they figure it out. Folks that is what The Center for Media and Democracy has done with a pile of bills.

Our Advocacy groups need to work on the smaller issues, and until we do, win a few, make contacts, and get a major following, we will never be able to overcome the ALEC's of the world. Our groups really are tiny alecs!

For now have a great day and a better tomorrow.

PS: Yes, hate the fact that the world works with the ALECs. Remember, if you spend all your time going after them, you will not be effective locally.