March 31, 2012

All Sex Offenders on Parole Could Be Banned From the Web

3-31-2-12 Arkansas:

Little Rock - The State Parole Board is looking into banning all sex offenders from the internet while they're on probation. Right now, it's a case-by-case basis, whether they're allowed to be online.

It's usually the offenders who used the internet as a tool to commit the crime who are banned from the web. Now parole officers are seeing more sex offenders (who are on parole) using the internet for inappropriate contact, even child porn. So the board plans to vote on a tighter policy.

It's known as the information super-highway, but you can quickly get tangled in it.

John Felts says, "The person on the other end can present themselves as being a 17-year old when in fact they are 36 and they're a sex offender." Felts knows those stories all too well, he is the state parole board chair and intends to do what's right by parolees while protecting citizens.

Compared to other state, Arkansas is on the cutting edge when it comes to supervision. He explains, "We do polygraph, stress analysis, we do group sessions and they are closely monitored."

The board plans to vote on whether to ban the use of the internet for all sex offenders on probation, but those who explain a need to use it for jobs or education purposes have options. "They can petition the parole board and we certainly will take a look at that along with a recommendation of their supervising parole officer."

Felts has requested an opinion from the Attorney General's office to make sure the proposed ban is constitutional. He concludes, "We will be making the decision probably within the next 60-days anyway."

Felts says he knows they won't catch everyone, but with technology evolving, policies have to keep up.

In addition to waiting on the AG's opinion, the board is starting research on policies in other states. Louisiana tried to ban sex offenders from the web even after they were done with supervision, but that was ruled unconstitutional. ..Source..

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