The film "Are All Men Pedophiles?" hasn't even been released yet, and it's already creating shock-waves around the world.
Are All Men Pedophiles?, a documentary premiering next week at The Queens World Film Festival 2012 in New York City, is already creating a lot of furious discussion by people who have not yet seen it.
Good! This topic sorely needs discussion.
So often sensitive or taboo subjects are avoided, and it's better to be open and honest about them so we can gain a better understanding of ourselves and those around us.
Let's start with a simple question: Are we, as a society, sexually attracted to youth? Yes or no?
What is youth?
Youth:Have you ever been attracted to a woman, only to find out later she is 13 years old?
--the appearance, freshness, vigor, spirit, etc., characteristic of one who is young.
--the time of being young; early life: His youth was spent on the farm.
--the period of life from puberty to the attainment of full growth; adolescence.
--the first or early period of anything.
Therefore, this film asks: what is the difference between you and pedophiles?
From the film's synopsis:
We live in a society that condemns pedophiles, though biological instinct and world cultures throughout history suggest that an attraction to adolescents is as natural as it is unavoidable. The fashion industry on the one hand sexualizes ever-younger girls while those who act on these instincts are reviled. The apparent hypocrisy at the heart of society forces the question: What do we mean when we talk about Pedophilia? Are All Men Pedophiles?
..For the remainder of this review: by Kendra Holliday