Another hysterical Attorney General. What other images will he want banned? Bunny Rabbits, religious symbols, etc... Violent or suggested violence I would like to see banned, but where do you draw the line?11-29-2011 New Mexico:
Images, Car Stickers Depict Cartoon Bear Some Find Inappropriate
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- The New Mexico Attorney General's Office cautioned parents against an Internet image they said is really a sexual menace called the "pedobear."
It started out as a joke, but authorities said the bear has spiraled into something much darker and more evil than they could've imagined.
Some images depict the pedobear snatching a little girl, dangling a carrot over two children and joking about not using condoms.
"This is the most disturbing one of all, it has the bear and it says, 'Too young to talk, too young to testify,'" said Lynn Southard with the AGO.
Authorities said the bear actually started off as an image mocking pedophiles but that pedophiles have embraced the bear and are using the image themselves.
Southard said authorities have seen several cars in Albuquerque and southern New Mexico sporting large pedobear stickers. She said that other than getting the word out, there's not much the AGO can do.
It's not illegal to have a pedobear image in public, but that didn't stop members of the community from voicing their opinions.
"It's insane because you end up questioning everything, especially when you have children," said parent Chris Lopez.
"It's very scary, it's a very scary situation that's been brought to our attention that these vehicles are circulating around New Mexico," Southard said.
Authorities said some people may be sporting the pedobear symbols as a joke, but they said that doesn't make law enforcement take the images any less seriously. ..Source.. by
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