May 11, 2011

Rising Numbers in VA Civil Commitment Program Sparks Investigation

5-10-2011 Virginia:

State lawmakers want more information about Virginia's program to hold sexually violent predators in a facility after their prison terms are up. Now, the legislature's investigative arm is launching a months-long study of the civil commitment program.

Legislators are trying to understand why Virginia's Civil Commitment Program for sexually violent predators has grown explosively in the last few years.

Delegate Dave Albo (R) said, "I mean, it could be that there's more freaks. Or it could be that the definitions are now broader and we're bringing more people in, and it would be very important to know that."

The legislature's investigative arm is launching a study of the program, which houses more than 200 sex offenders that have served their prison time at a facility in Nottoway County.

State Senator Janet Howell (D) explained, "To me, I think we might be having a bubble right now that in the long range may not be there."

The program is supposed to treat sex offenders who are likely to re-offend, with the goal of one-day returning them to society. But very few patients are ever released.

Justin Brown, an investigative analyst said, "As important a part of the issue in terms of how many people are coming in, it's also important that very few people are leaving."

The study will look at similar efforts in nearly two-dozen other states. And it will look at alternatives to civil commitment.

"Would it be wise for us to increase incarceration terms for people that are probably going to be civily committed at the other end?" asked Howell.

The facility is nearing capacity and unless the study comes up with another solution, legislators have ordered the offenders to double-bunk, perhaps as early as this fall.

The study is supposed to finish up in about six months. It also will include a discussion of more controversial alternatives, including voluntary physical castration, as some lawmakers suggested earlier this year. ..Source.. by

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is absurd castration really? Most of the men and women and children on this registry are there not as a predator but making bad choices. Or they are kids having consensual sex. There are over 300 reasons whay you can be on the registry. Very few of the people on this registry are dangerous. The true pedophiles are a small percentage. Wake up citizens this is nothing but a scare tactic used by politicians that want votes. Wake up public or you too could be on the registry. Most of our grandparents would have been labeled sex offender because they married so young. Just sayin....