April 23, 2011

"The Offender's Wife" ministry, reaching out to spouses of former offenders

Courtesy of Sex Offender Issues

Who and What Is "The Offender's Wife"? from The Offender's Wife on Vimeo.

The Offenders Wife site


Daniel Goichman said...

It's a great video. Here's the bottomline. Not all sex offenders are dangerous or even criminals the law enforcement has gone beyond the call of duty to wipe out the lives of many innocent people like your husband. There is no due process in the laws and once you are classified as a sex offender your life is over in the USofA. so what we need you to do is get as many people together as you can and then help us sue the country to get the laws changed. because the laws dont work and they punish the wrong people. we need like $200,000 and we can put them all out of business - law enforcement, the crooked politicians, and the corrupt prosecutors, End their little game of extra punishment for sex offenders by having a court decide that the registry is unconstitutional and needs to come to a tragic end. the only people that belong in civil commitment are the crooked politicians, the corrupt prosecutors, and the crooked cops. they must be stopped and we have to be united to take them all down in one nice lawsuit. if youre in let me know now. thanks.

Brenda Jones, Exec Dir said...

Daniel, I think your post is off-topic. Karen, through this ministry, is trying to reach out to wives of men accused or convicted of sexual offenses, to help them cope and find healing.

We cannot simply "sue the country," and no amount of money (even $200,000) will put everyone out of business. The registry could disappear tomorrow and all of the hurt, all of the damage done to innocent people like these wives and other family members, would still be there. THAT is what this ministry is addressing.

Mary Brennan said...

How is being wrongfully accused in a broken system which happens all the time off topic? It is a fact and so many people don't know, and assume that all people with the sex offender label is violent and dangerous and a child abuser and that all cops are honest and decent ....I don't see due process, and I see a lot of corruption, and truly no amount of money can fix it, only a change of heart and a desire on the part of politicians to do what Jesus would do instead of ruin lives in the name of greed. Daniel, I think it's relevent, and on topic, and a topic that needs more attention. "What is not possible with man is possible with God". "Love thy neighbor as thyself". Do unto others. If we all lived by these Biblical principles, there'd be no wrongfully accused, and much less crime period.. God bless and keep us all.

Anonymous said...

She has redone the video and the link has changed. The new link is here:
