February 27, 2011

Low-level Sex Offenders Close to Deregistering

If it is true that, "once a offender means always an offender," then here is what needs to be done. All those parents, grandparents, etc., that have committed a illegal sexual act, in their younger days, needs to march themselves down to the local police station and ask to register as a sex offender because of the past act. Convicted or not, the act itself made you a sex offender, confess and register. NOW the police WILL BE OVERWHELMED for sure!
2-27-2011 Texas:

Low-level sex offenders will soon see a change to their status. The Council on Sex Offender Treatment has decided to allow certain sex offenders to be deregistered and taken off the state's sex offender list.

But many parents around the community are concerned with what this decision may mean for their families.

"A sex offender is a sex offender and that will never change," said Don Byerlon, a grandparent in Midland.

Plenty of families around West Texas are worried about the possibility of low-level sex offenders becoming deregistered from the state of Texas sex offender list.

"Well, I really don't think it's smart having kids myself, especially girls," said Michelle Licon, a parent from Midland.

But the way the Council on Sex Offender Treatment sees it; by deregistering the low-level sex offenders they can concentrate on those that may pose more of a risk.

"The philosophy that we're operating on is that if we pay equal attention to all sex offenders, we're not paying enough attention to the more dangerous ones," said Liles Arnold, the Chairman for the Council on Sex Offender Treatment.

Some of the offenses that may allow a sex offender to become deregistered off the list are:
· Compelling prostitution
· Indecent exposure
· Unlawful restraint
· Indecency with a child by exposure
· Possession or promotion of child pornography
· Online solicitation of a minor
· Sexual performance of a child
· Indecency with a child between 13 and 17 years old

And some believe that there are sex offenders who don't really belong on that list.

"I have mixed emotions because kids are going to be kids and some of the teenagers are labeled sex offenders and they really aren't," said Evelyn Byerlon, a grandparent in Midland.

And everyone can agree that the most important issue here is "the safety of the kids. I want my kids to be able to come to the park and not have to worry about if somebody's watching them," Licon said.

After a meeting Saturday, the Council on Sex Offender Treatment did not actually implement any of these rules just yet. But after finalizing the protocols, they say these rules could be implemented in the next few months. ..Source.. by Meron Berkson, CBS 7 News


G4Change said...

"...And everyone can agree that the most important issue here is "the safety of the kids. I want my kids to be able to come to the park and not have to worry about if somebody's watching them," Licon said..."

These people are SO ignorant!!! RSOs are not the only threats to their children. 95% of new sexual offenses will be committed by someone not on the list. AND, of those on the list, only about 4% or 5% are actual predators.

If these people want to protect their kids, then they need to take their eyes off of this useless list and WATCH THEIR KIDS! Stop depending on the government which uses our tax dollars to babysit your children. Step up and be a parent!

Man these people are so damn ignorant!!!!

alfred epperly said...

Internet sing operations... MOST of these men are "one time offenders" (not just 1st time but LAST time) that didn't even have a vic. Instead, it was a female officer. These young men do not pose a treat to anyone. They do not deserve to be treated the same as a rapist or child molester. Take them off the registry and give them a chance to contribute to society.

Daniel Goichman said...

Finally a break for some one-time sex offenders. Hopefully all the other 49 states will follow these wise actions. Maybe New Hampshire will brighten up and do the same.