January 21, 2011

Domestic violence offenders may be listed in on-line registry

1-21-2011 Texas:

A local lawmaker is proposing a bill that would allow a domestic violence registry for those convicted of family violence.

The registry would be similar to the sex offender registry.

You could find out online if someone has a history of domestic violence.

State representative Trey Martinez Fischer is backing the bill.

If passed, anyone who is convicted of beating their spouse, girlfriend or child at least three times would be put on this registry.

Fischer says the goal is to provide safety for anyone who may come in contact with those offenders. ..Source.. by KENS 5 State


Anonymous said...

So, someone who actually "Beats their spouse, girlfriend or child AT LEAST THREE TIMES" would go on the registry. Wow, three times. How many on the registry have offended three times?? It would be nice if they applied the same standards to SOs.

Anonymous said...

Good, the more the merrier.

Let's Create An All Sinners Registry!

Anonymous said...

I believe they are working on it! Kind of has a ring to it.
"All Sinner's Registry"
What has happened to our country?

Anonymous said...

Let Them Create ALL The Registries They WAnt! Let Billions of Dollars Be Spent On These Frivilous Endevours AND THEN WHEN MONEY GETS SOOO TIGHT, PERHAPS THEY MIGHT START COMING TO THEIR SENSES AND REALIZE HOW POINTLESS IT ALL IS WHEN STATISTICAL FACTS ARE CONSIDERED! It would be cheaper for government issued bullet proof vests, condoms, winter coats/hats/scarfs, etc. to every citizen (in the name of safety)! -or perhaps outlaw hunting, sports,sex,alcohol consumption, not wearing sun block, etc.