December 17, 2010

New Bill in Congress: To Prevent Sex Offenders from being Employed ANYWHERE they might have CONTACT with MINORS, incidental or otherwise!

12-10-2010 National:

S-4029 " Preventing Sex Offenders Access to Children in Our Communities Act of 2010" was introduced by Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY] (introduced 12/15/2010) Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Stated Intent:A bill to protect children from registered sex offenders, and for other purposes.

This bill, if passed into law, WILL become part of The Adam Walsh Act, SORNA section! Further, currently there are FIVE Tiers of unemployed workers in this nation, this bill would effectively create a NEW permanent Tier of unemployed workers, nationally, and relegate these workers to Welfare lines and Soup kitchens.

This is by far the most hateful bill presented by this Senator, as it will certainly PREVENT ANY registrant from being EMPLOYED, with any employer whose establishment ever has a minor present in their establishment [even if in tow with a parent], -OR- from establishing any service [including self-employment] that would ever see a minor while performing that service, for the rest of their lives. There isn't an ounce of this bill that should ever be made law.

For the remainder of what this bill is about: Please review this shocking bill. eAdvocate


Just another SO said...

Did anyone really think that this wasn't coming. They've been systematically taking away our rights, making it harder and harder for us to survive. This is just another step in their plan to make us into a sub-class of citizens. This must be stopped, but until we ALL band together, with our families and friends; and make our voices heard, we are just a whisper in the wilderness.

Book38 said...

Here is the answer as to WHY Schumer created this bill. Have a look at this news article.

Schumer is nothing but a politician riding on the back of sex offenders to get noticed!!!

lucky lemmon said...

seems like typical political government.. the same people that were childishly pointing at everyone and yelling commie a few years ago. During the Roman times they were feeding Christians to the lions,
They were the front seat during the Salem witch trials, and under the white sheets the black feared. The rounded up all the Japanese Americans and incarcerated them in concentration camps during world wars 1 and 2, and when no one was looking the tended Hitlers ovens

Anonymous said...

I believe this is a second bill introduced by shumer in 2010, or was the other one introduced in 2009?

It is very difficult to mount any reasonable efforts against these bills introduced in Congress, much different if introduced at a state level.

Singular voices few and far in-between is not effective enough and would barely be noticed if at all. I certainly would like to know how to get signatures in the 10's of thousands because that is what it would take to slow down and maybe stop such a bill from going forward as is. What is your thought on this?

Anonymous said...

I think the "Parents for Megans Law" activist group headed by Laura Ahern is based out of New York so I'm sure they are the ones behind these bills being filed by Schumer. After all why would a liberal democrat from New York State be bothering with sex offenders if he wasnt being prodded (or extorted)??

Anonymous said...

The Tips part of the bill would steer money to Parents for Megan's Law which runs such a program. See