September 6, 2010

Cyberbullying and Electronic Dating Violence

9-6-2010 Global:

Our cyberbullying work continues to take our research agenda in new and interesting directions. One phenomenon which we have been exploring in recent months is “electronic dating violence,” which we define as: “emotional or psychological harm in a romantic relationship perpetrated through the use of computers, cell phones, or other electronic devices.” The number of persons who have been victimized offline by romantic partners range from 10% to 47%, depending on how it is defined and measured in research studies. Research has also shown that teenagers are at a higher risk than adults when it comes to abuse by intimates. Since the vast, vast majority of teens have embraced the use of computers and cell phones, we believe it is important to consider how dating violence might be occurring via such devices.

There are some similarities between cyberbullying and electronic dating violence that should be mentioned. First, both naturally employ technology. Second, cyberbullying is largely perpetrated by and among known peers, as is aggression in romantic relationships (where youth typically select dating partners among their peer group). Third, both lead to specific negative emotional, psychological, physical, and behavioral outcomes. Finally, both also may have similar contributing factors such as personal insecurities and a need to demonstrate control. With regard to differences, cyberbullying tends to occur between individuals who do not like, and do not want to be around, each other. Electronic dating violence transpires between two people who are attracted to each other on some level. ..For the remainder of this article by Cyberbullying Research Center

1 comment:

Chance said...

If someone uses a real phone is it considered Fiber-optic Dating Violence? If they write a nasty letter to a significant letter is it Pulp Dating Violence? I think those mediums have been around far longer. Maybe someone could waste money studying those phenomena instead of coining catchy new terms for the same old behavior.