July 21, 2010

The greatest "enemy" in our fight -- APATHY

7-21-2010 National:

From "Oncefallen" a excellent post:

Who is the greatest "enemy" in the fight against these crazy sex offender laws? Pandering Politicians pimping the nlatest ill-conceived laws? Celebrity advocates like John Walsh? Camera-hogging media news analysts? Self-made vigilantes and vigilante groups like Perverted Justice? No.

The greatest "enemy" in our fight is APATHY.

The old adage "we are our own worst enemies" rings very true in this fight. I have been involved in this fight for about seven years, and www.oncefallen.com has been up for years, and in this time, I have received many emails from people seemingly desperate for help, get their answers, thank me, and disappear. I feel a lot alike I'm in that movie "300." I am one of just a handful of people, many of whom have been in this fight for years. We fight for a "nation" of 700,000 people plus their families, every one of them threatened by a larger army backed by tough laws and blind support. Our resources are few, our warriors are fewer. Much like in the movie, this small band of warriors are fighting for the sake of their homes, while the rest sit back and watch us fight to the death. Click for the remainder: by Oncefallen


RSO in GA said...

True enough. I think that a lot of us don't have the money to get right lawyers to make the changes that are needed. I for one, still have a boat load of shame for what I did and have a hard time getting the nerve to buck the system. We have so few advocates and I appreciate ALL the warriors in this fight. Once I am done with my time on the list, then I will be in a better position to help.

The Fallen One said...

The thing is EVERYBODY can do something. If we had 1% of registrants send a letter to their legislators or donate their pocket change to one of the activist sites or attend a conference, just 1%, imagine how much more we could get done. Unfortunately, we're more like 1% of that 1%.

We had a close call with the unemployment benefits, but if the latest peoposals are anything, we'll eventually see worse, like attack on registrants getting disbility.