May 25, 2010


5-25-2010 United Kingdom:

A LYING woman whose false allegation of rape drove one man to suicide made the same allegation against another man and almost led him to take his own life too.

The consequences of the woman’s false allegations emerged when the second man was cleared by a jury of rape in just 45 minutes after a £30,000 trial.

But despite being exposed in court as a serial liar the 21-year-old woman will never be identified. Legal sources also said it was unlikely she would be prosecuted for perjury.

Innocent medical student Olumide Fadayomi, 27, was dragged through months of legal hell before the trial at Sheffield Crown Court saw his name cleared.

The jury were unaware of the woman’s history when they found him not guilty. Several broke down in tears after learning of the impact her deceit had on a previous man 18 months earlier.

They heard Judge Patrick Robertshaw attack the Crown Prosecution Service for pursuing a case “that should never have come to court” simply because the woman demanded it.

Judge Robertshaw said: “The evidence did not, and was never going to, prove rape. The prime overriding consideration in the CPS’s decision had been merely that the complainant wished the case to go ahead.

“It was little short of a craven abdication of responsibility for making an independent and fair-minded assessment of the case. It is quite astonishing these decisions are made by those who simply do not have experience of what happens in Crown Court because they never come into Crown Court. They sit behind desks and make decisions that result in this sort of trial.”

The judge revealed how 18 months earlier the same woman had made an allegation of rape against a young man who ended up committing suicide.

He said the case never reached court because it was “lacking in credibility”.

After being cleared last Friday Mr Fadayomi from Nigeria said yesterday: “My life has been hell for the last seven months. I thought about taking my own life. I’ve not been able to sleep properly since all this happened. My life has just been on hold.” The court heard that after failing to have the first man she accused of rape brought to court, the woman set about framing Mr Fadayomi, a stranger she met and seduced in a nightclub.

She boasted to friends: “I’ve got evidence this time.”

Mr Fadayomi told the jury the woman had agreed to consensual sex and he had no idea it was a rape trap.

The new government intends to re-introduce anonymity for alleged rapists until conviction.

Lawyer Nick Freeman, who successfully defended Emmerdale actor Lewis Linford against a false sex allegation, said judges must also be given the ability to waive the anonymity of women who make false accusations.

He said: “Women can make whatever allegations they like knowing the man will suffer the ignominy of having his name dragged through the mud while nobody will ever know who she is, no matter what lies she tells.”

But Ruth Hall, of Women Against Rape, said: “If men accused of rape got special rights to anonymity, it would ­reinforce the misconception that lots of women who report rape are lying.” ..Source.. Paul Jeeves

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