April 13, 2010

Deal (Horse Trading) reached on sex offender legislation

Its a sad state of affairs when laws are made based on "Horse Trading," "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." Whether or not the bills will help public safety or whether there is any evidence to support the contention of the bills, never entered into the discussion. Political agendas and constituents wishes controlled the minds of lawmakers. Sad sad sad. Maybe lawmakers will sleep well when the next child is murdered. eAdvocate.
4-13-2010 Maryland:

The Senate and House of Delegates appear to be well on their way to resolving one of the last outstanding major issues of the session: sex offender reforms.

After a series of deals and legislative horse-trading, the chambers' negotiations team has agreed to combine both contentious bills into one big bill -- which happens to be backed by Gov. Martin O'Malley.

Lawmakers added an expansion of Jessica's Law, lengthening the minimum prison sentence for certain sex offenders from five to 15 years, to O'Malleys sex offender registry bill.

For those keeping track, the House wins big on this one. The Senate backed down on both its request to lengthen sentences to 20 years and its quest to add other provisions (such as "marking sex offenders' driver's licenses and admitting evidence of prior bad acts) to the registry bill.

This one could lead to a major lawsuit costing the state millions!

By fusing the bills, the powers that be created a bill too sweeping for even the senators who had hoped for more to oppose.

It's widely expected to sail through when the chambers reconvene after their dinner break. ..Source.. The Baltimore Sun

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