3-12-2010 Texas:
The Tulsa Beacon reports, "New bill could give death penalty to repeat child molesters."
State lawmakers voted to increase the penalties - including life in prison and death - facing repeat child molesters.
House Bill 2965, by state Rep. Rex Duncan, would expand the penalties for child molesters, allowing repeat offenders to face life in prison without parole or the death penalty.
“The death penalty is the ultimate deterrent and reserved for worst of the worst criminals,” said Duncan, a Sand Springs Republican who chairs the House Judiciary Committee. “Individuals with a history of violently raping children clearly fall into that category and should face a punishment equal to their crime.”
Under current law, a child molester can face a sentence of 25 years to life for a first offense. Duncan’s legislation will increase the penalty to include a maximum sentence of life without parole.
His legislation will also allow the death penalty to be considered for those convicted of a second or subsequent offense. That provision has been crafted to comply with recent court rulings.
The legislation will also eliminate the “homeless defense” as an excuse for not registering as a sex offender and allow those convicted of failure to register to receive a 20-year prison sentence.
..For the remainder of this excellent post.. by The StandDown Texas Project
1 comment:
Another politician using the SO bandwagon to make himself look good with his constituants. Would someone who actually has this A-hole as a represenative catch this guy in public and ask him how in the he** he plans to pay for these excessive sentencs? To put a person in prison for 20 years costs about $600,000. And that's just food and housing. If the person has medical needs, add that to the bill.
These people try to convince their constituants that they are protecting them. The only thing they are really doing is dumping more of your money into the corrupt and bottomless pit of the Prison system.
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