February 12, 2010

Panel OKs death sentence for child rapists

Nothing like wasting the time of lawmakers with a unconstitutional bill. If the bill becomes law, it will cause a lawsuit by anyone so convicted and cost the state tons of money it can ill afford. How do these folks get into office...
2-12-2010 Oklahoma:

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - Repeat sex offenders convicted of raping a child 6 years old or younger would be eligible for the death penalty under a bill passed by a House committee.

The bill by Rep. Rex Duncan was overwhelmingly approved Monday by the House Judiciary Committee, despite a 2008 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that such laws were unconstitutional.

The Sand Springs Republican says he feels the court erred in its decision and that he believes a new court could uphold the law.

In a Louisiana case in which a man was sentenced to death for raping an 8-year-old girl, the nation's highest court ruled that allowing the death penalty in such cases violates the Constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. ..Source.. KSWO.com


Anonymous said...

Well, it explains a lot when a politician is a REPUBLICAN. They think their God now days.

Chance said...

"...he believes a new court could uphold the law."

Did I miss something? I wasn't aware that a court had been established above the U.S. Supreme Court.