February 11, 2010

Panel approves changes to sex offender registry

Reporters, at times and this is one, miss the most important facts! Senate Bill 12 also says:
Sec.-4: Any person who is on the state sex offender registry on the effective date of this Act shall be deemed to have been assigned to Tier III. However, any such person may petition the court, pursuant to § 22-24B-17, for appropriate reassignment in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Right, force everyone to be the worst-of-the-worst, and if you don't like that, get an attorney (bill also says none will be appointed) to petition the court to get a CORRECT Tier Level. This is legal? Should the state be forced to pay the attorney fees & costs for every registrant who has been MIS-CLASSIFIED by the legislature? Obviously I say YES!
2-11-2010 South Dakota:

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) - A South Dakota Senate committee has advanced a bill that would create tiers for the state's sex offender registry, giving some people a chance to get their names removed.

The bill, approved 7-0 by the Judiciary Committee on Thursday, would create three groups of sex crimes.

Those convicted of serious crimes could never get off the offender list.

Those convicted of a middle group could ask to be removed after 25 years, and those convicted of less-serious crimes such as misdemeanor indecent exposure could ask to be removed after 10 years.

The bill now heads to the full Senate. ..Source.. KTIV.com

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