February 2, 2010

Kids web sites asked to check NY sex offender list

While my comment should not be interpreted as supporting that RSOs should be allowed on kids Internet sites, it has to be said that the NY AG is now stalking the Internet to banish RSOs from it. The Internet's sole purpose is not for children but for society in general and there are places on the Internet that RSOs can navigate without constantly being accused of wrongdoing when there is none. Cumo's quest is out of line. Even the US Supreme court has ruled that folks in general, which includes RSOs, are allowed to speak anonymously on their political rights and under free speech rights as well, and that includes on the Internet.
2-2-2010 New York:

NEW YORK (AP) - State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo wants Web sites geared toward kids to do the same thing other social networking sites have done - check membership names against New York state's sex offender registry.

Cuomo on Tuesday called for Web sites like Webkinz and Club Penguin to add to their security measures already in place by also agreeing to check with the state list.

Major social networking sites including Facebook and MySpace have removed more than 4,300 registered sex offenders from their rolls after checking names against the registry.

New York's law requires sex offenders to register their e-mail accounts, screen names and any other Internet identifiers with the state.

There are just under 30,000 names on the state's sex offender list. ..Source.. WCAX.com

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