February 11, 2010

How often do the police speak -Negatively- about sex offender laws?

2-11-2010 Oklahoma:

This story may suprise you, and then again, when you hear what the author of the law in question says, it may not suprise you? However, consider that the law's author was likely pushing for some political gain under the pretext of public safety when he first proposed the law. With that said:

FOX News: Sex offender zones (CLICK for Video)

A law intended to protect Oklahomans from sex offenders may be having the exact opposite effect. Police departments around Oklahoma are openly protesting the Sex Offender Residence Restriction Law. Police say, lawmakers hoped it would drive sex offenders out of the state. Instead, police say, sex offenders have simply stopped registering.

PS: There is not one study anywhere which shows these laws protect anyone, but there are studies to show the harm they cause. The problem is, lawmakers do not get votes by showing such evidence. Here the police are explaing the problems with these laws.

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