January 15, 2010

Static-99R - Revised

The Static-99 is a ten item actuarial assessment instrument created by R. Karl Hanson, Ph.D. and David Thornton, Ph.D. for use with adult male sexual offenders who are at least 18 year of age at time of release to the community. It is the most widely used sex offender risk assessment instrument in the world, and is extensively used in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and many European nations.

This site is dedicated to the community of Static-99 users, and governed by an Advisory Board whose members approve and submit content, and rotate responsibility for answering Static-99 coding questions. Our intent is to provide useful information in a timely manner, and to promote best practices in sexual offender assessment among professionals who routinely use the instrument.

Coding questions may be submitted to static99@dcjs.state.ny.us; please consult the coding manual and FAQs prior to submission. An auto response will be generated to confirm receipt of the message. Routine questions will be answered by the Site Manager, who has the full confidence of the Static-99 developers. Complex questions will be referred by the Site Manager to the Advisory Board for discussion and a response will be forwarded to the requestor as quickly as possible (in most cases within 5 business days). ..Source.. Note: Click the link to find access to the new forms and manual at the bottom of that page.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Would the results of the Static 99R be affected by an individual having a learning disability that affects his reading and writing? Also is it an appropriate test for predicting future behavior of a 19 year old male who is accused of touching a 15 year old girl inappropriately but consensually. Thank you.