September 7, 2009

Two CNN videos touching on the Garrido case and other sexual offender issues

For reasons unknown CNN has not titled the videos so that they are descriptive of the actual content, but still the videos make important points worth viewing.

First is Dr. Berlin of the Sexual Disorders Clinic at the John Hopkins University, School of Medicine and Jake Goldenflame a former child molester.

It is important to remember that, as Mr. Goldenflame describes his circumstances, folks need to recognize, that he is not the typical registrant found on registries nationwide. Mr. Goldenflame speaks about his attractions, yet on registries there are many whose offense had nothing to do with attractions as you will see in a minute.

Today registries are bloated and include a wide variety of former offenders, for example, some states include persons who have been convicted of multiple times of public urination, there are those who have mooned folks and yes, juveniles, who were in love and because of the difference in age (months to years) engaged in sex when one turned 18 and it resulted in a sex conviction; hence they are on the registry. So what we have are low level former offenders, and yes a few who have not committed a sex offense at all, all the way up to the Phillip Garrido type of offender, a very wide range of offenses.

Dr. Berlin, in response to CNN questions about castration as a method of reducing recidivism, mentions several critical points the public needs to know. Castration, physical or chemical, is only appropriate in selected cases and should not be viewed as a -fix-all- for all registrants. In fact, as Dr Berlin mentions, if one is castrated, today there are still black market ways to offset the effects of castration and still allow the registrant to commit sex acts.


Anonymous said...

Jake go to Booksville for a week.

Anonymous said...

The sex offender interviewed did the same thing the goverment is doing he painted all child molesters and for that matter all sex offenders with the same paint brush. It does not work that way.

Anonymous said...

It is disturbing when someone like Jake (who projects his own personal experience/ deviances/ inclinations/ fetishes/ fixations etc. into others) is held as an "expert" on anyone convicted of sexual crime! This man is an expert on nobody other than himself!