September 16, 2009

Parents, something to consider before allowing your child to walk to and from school!

9-16-2009 National:

Parents need to think about this before allowing a child to walk to and from school ALONE!

Phillip Garrido is a case that is so rare that lawmakers cannot find another like it in recorded history. The sex offender registry that covers your area -where ever that may be- will tell you about your local registered offenders.

These ARE NOT the people I am going to talk about................

The Department of Justice statistics (chart above, click on it to study it closer) that I doubt most folks realize, study it closely. Right hand column pertains to children under 18, basically school age folks.

It says that OVER 93% of FIRST TIME SEX OFFENDERS -73,116 of them- were either friends, acquaintances or family of the child; someone the child likely knew or trusted. Before these offenders became offenders, they were your neighbors, people not found on any registry. Remember that!

Now, how many homes will your child walk in front of, to and from school, where there are NO REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS living in those homes? These are the homes you likely taught your child are safe places. Are they? All parents need to wake up, the homes more likely to be UNSAFE, are the ones you taught your child to trust.

Walk with them hand-in-hand, there is no better way!

Your taxes paid for this research, its not something we generated -although we made the chart from DOJ statistics- its statistics generated by your taxes. Learn how to read them to best protect your family.

This is a Public Service Message.


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