August 16, 2009

MN- Bizarre sexual fetish for rubber balls lands Duluth man in jail

8-16-2009 Minnesota:

A Minnesota man with a self-professed sexual fetish for large rubber exercise balls will get a year in the slammer for breaking onto a Duluth clinic where he slashed a number of rubber balls with a knife.

Christopher Bjerkness, 31, plead guilt to his bizarre crime in St. Louis District Court -- but he was't charged with assualt to an exercise ball. He's being sent up for third degree burglary.

Bjerkness will do his time at the Northeast Regional Corrections Center. He also has been ordered to participate in a sex offender treatment program, and then will get five years probation for five years.

It's not the first time Bjerkness has knifed rubber exercise balls. He convicted in 2005 of breaking into the Sport and Health Center at the University of Minnesota Duluth, where damaged several exercise balls.

Bjerkness said he does not understand his sexual feelings toward exercise balls, and why he needs to attack them. His adopted parents said he suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome and bipolar disorder.

Sexual fetishes involving inanimate objects is a well-documented disorder, although not well-understood.

According to a 1983 study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, a review of the files of all cases over a 20-year period which met criteria for non-transvestic fetishes in a teaching hospital, 48 cases were identified, and the objects of their fetishes included clothing (58.3%), rubber and rubber items (22.9%), footwear (14.6%), body parts (14.6%), leather and leather items (10.4%), and soft materials and fabrics (6.3%). ..Source.. by Kittson County Top News ExaminerKen Korczak

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