August 18, 2009

MI- Undercover Op to Catch Sexual Offenders

8-16-2009 Michigan Phase-I:

A sex sting leads to multiple arrests. Detectives found internet predators on the world wide web and arrested them right here in mid-Michigan. The operation took place over the weekend and the suspects include a former Detroit police officer, a postal worker and a grocery store clerk. The men are accused of using their computers to prey on underage kids. A few key strokes, a couple clicks, it's an invitation to connect and how authorities found nine men who wanted to meet with underage children for sex.

Tom Cameron, Attorney General Bureau Chief: "They engage in very explicit conversations about sexual activities."

Conversations that take place in internet chat rooms, popular instant messaging sites or through ads on Craigslist. Detectives create a fake profile and wait. It doesn't take long.

Sheriff Robert Bezotte, Livingston County: "What we found was, in many cases, they were literally descended on by a predator."

In this case the predators did more than chat. Police say they made a move to a fake address, leading to their arrests.

Sheriff Robert Bezotte: "They're the ones that actually come to the home and try to have sex with minors."

Although the sting operation happened over the weekend, investigators say it can take months to build enough trust with these predators to lead them to a decoy house, because once they're there, it's enough evidence to put them behind bars. Prosecutors charged the men with sexually abusive activity and using a computer to commit that crime, 2 counts that carry 20 years apiece. Even though the department made nine arrests, detectives say there could be more to come. They'll investigate more than 150 who chatted, but didn't choose to meet up. ..Source.. by Liz Geraldi

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