July 18, 2009

OH- Rape at Little League Park Turns Out to Be False

7-18-2009 Ohio:

Police in Dearborn County say a report of a sexual assault at a local park was false.

The Aurora Police Department and Dearborn County Special Crimes Unit investigated the alleged attack at the Aurora Little League Park on Wednesday.

Detectives say they determined the allegation was untrue based on evidence, along with statements from the victim and the person accused. ..Source.. by Local12.com


ZMan! said...

Okay, this may be a false accusation, but I thought when someone is accused, police must do their jobs and arrest the person accused and let a court decide if it's false or not, not the police.

Anonymous said...

ZMan, thats not how it works. Prosecutors are not allowed to file charges unless they have evidence to support those charges. However, with that said, sometimes the evidence is proven to be weak or false and then charges are dismissed, either by the prosecutor or the courts. But as to your comment, no it is not the courts that have FIRST decision as to whether accusations are false or not, it is the police who then bring what they have -if not believed to be false- to the prosecutor.