July 17, 2009

MA- Massachusetts: Ruling on Sex Offenders and Civil Commitment

7-17-2009 Massachusetts:

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decided that judges must issue rulings within 30 days of a trial when they are deciding whether defendants should be held indefinitely as sexually dangerous offenders.

The court ruled in a case brought by a man convicted of child rape and indecent assault and battery on a child. Shortly before the man, Joseph Blake, was to be released from prison in 2002, prosecutors sought to have him committed to a Bridgewater prison treatment center for sex offenders.

A judge held a trial in 2004, then took 13 months to issue a decision that granted prosecutors’ request. The Supreme Judicial Court upheld the decision to commit Mr. Blake, and also found that his constitutional rights were not violated by the 13-month delay. But the court said the delay was “unacceptably long” and established the new 30-day rule. ..Source.. by NY Times

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