June 8, 2009

Vigilante Justice Proves To Be Unjust in Kensington


From TalkLeft blog:

The principal reason to favor due process and the presumption of innocence over "swift and certain" vigilante justice is illustrated by two ugly displays of street justice in Pennsylvania. After the police identified Jose Carrasquillo as a "person of interest" in the repeated rape of an 11 year old girl, "justice-seeking" residents of Kensington began looking for him. Law enforcement officials were surprised and apparently pleased "when numerous Kensington residents offered to catch Carrasquillo themselves."

"Law-abiding citizens were out there with police officers. We even had chronic drug dealers coming up to us, wanting to see his picture. That tells me there is some code, even among the criminal element," [Capt. Daniel Castro] said.

To read the rest of the story it is over at TalkLeft

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