A close review of this article will reveal that everyone believes that the horrible death of this child was due to a sexual predator. Folks are drawing that conclusion because the mother befriended two different previously convicted sex offenders. So far, I have not seen anything in the news to indicate that "sex crime" was committed here, even though that may ultimately prove to be the case. The point is that folks need to keep an open mind as the majority of child abductions are caused by someone other than a sex offender according to NISMART Reports (National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children ). Abductions by previously convicted sex offenders are the rarest of abductions.
6-11-2009 Michigan:
In Michigan, the mother of missing 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan says person of interest and registered sex offender George Kennedy was like a "father-figure" to her daughter. Mother, Jennifer Buchanan, admits to looking past Kennedy's previous child sexual offense and allowing him to build a relationship with her daughter.
While my sympathies go out to this mother over the disappearance of her daughter, we can all learn a lesson from this mother's mistake. Buchanan minimized this predator's offense and put her daughter directly in harm's way. Allow me for a moment to speak from personal experience and be a voice for survivors and children everywhere.
As a child, my own biological father severely abused me both mentally and physically. I was just 10 years old when his abuse became sexual. After four years of silently dealing with my father's abuse, I finally got the courage to tell my mother. My mother's reaction was a common one: denial. She became a contributor, if not an equal contributor, to my abuse.
In my early 20's, after years of brainwashing, denial, and silent suffering, my brother was able to validate my abuse. As a child, he had suspected my abuse and placed a tape recorder in the bedroom, catching my father's abuse in the act. My brother's tape marked the beginning of a very long and difficult healing process: confronting my father, saying goodbye, forgiving, and eventually having the courage to press charges. Despite all of these revelations, my mother continued to deny and minimize my father's abuse, leaving our relationship behind in order to continue a relationship with him.
Though my situation differs from little Nevaeh Buchanan, the lesson here is the same. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and a mother of a 3-year-old little girl, I find myself wanting to scream out, "Mothers - Protect your children!" Current statistics indicate that at least 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. We need to use the National Sex Offender Registry to our advantage and not be in denial about the potential of these predators. Be on the lookout for common signs of sexual abuse in your child:
1. Unusual interest in or avoidance of all things sexual in nature.
2. Aspects of sexual abuse in drawings, games, or fantasies.
3. Sleep problems or nightmares.
4. Sudden fear of a person or place where the child was previously comfortable.
5. Depression, withdrawal, eating disorders.
We have come a long way in our country in bringing awareness to childhood sexual abuse, but with an estimated 60 million survivors in our country today, we still have a long way to go. Mothers - be a voice, a protector, and an advocate for your child. If ever you need help with identifying or reporting abuse, please call the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4ACHILD. ..Source.. by Amanda Richardson is author of 'Saved From Silence.'