March 10, 2009

SORNA Hearing in Congress - TODAY - March 10, 2009 2:00 PM

3-7-2009 National:

Today is the first hearing, of many more to come, on the Adam Walsh Act, SORNA Title.

Held by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Their schedule and agenda is:

03/10/2009: 2:00 P.M. in 2141 Rayburn House Office Building

Hearing on: Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA): Barriers to Timely Compliance by States

Video link to watch broadcast on this page:

One of those providing testimony today is, The Adam Walsh Act Working Group (AWAWG) , a group of national and tribal organizations and experts whose goals are to protect children from sexual violence.

To the best of my knowledge AWAWG members are:
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
The Council of State Governments
Defender Association of Philadelphia
Justice Policy Institute
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
National Congress of American Indians
National Conference of State Legislators
National Criminal Justice Association
National Juvenile Defender Center
Office of the Ohio Public Defender

It is very likely, as a group, AWAWG, and others, were able to get Congress to convene this hearing because there are so many reports of states trying to come into compliance with and having difficulties with the SORNA section of the Adam Walsh Act. Anyone who has analyzed SORNA can see it results in consequences that leave one to wonder if it really protects the public as intended.

AWA also imposes costs on the states at a time when the entire nation is struggling as are sovereign Indian nations. AWA's retroactive requirement places extra burdens on law enforcement and on those required to register, including their families. Absent from AWA is, methods and protections for the aging population of registrants now required to register. Public safety is achieved by providing protections for both registrants, their families and the public and some of SORNA's provisions result in consequences that undermine the intent of SORNA.

Under SORNA many juveniles are required to register, and for significant periods of time. SORNA's consequences to juveniles are significant and there are questions as to whether these consequences where intended or are really necessary.

KEY POINT: Nothing in AWA or SORNA is based on evidence-based practices developed over time which prove, people can change given opportunity and therapy. SORNA's method of classifying registrants says people do not change, 30 years ago we would not have the President we have today, does one need more proof that people can and do change!

Contacting Committee Members:
Time for everyone to become a player. Once the hearing is over you will know what the issues are, then you can develop a proper response to them. Contact Committee members with your thoughts after the hearing.

Remember, this is a fact finding hearing, following this hearing various lawmakers will propose bills that result from what they learn at this hearing, and anything submitted to them following the hearing.

When lawmakers introduce bills (each has its own hearing), then everyone will again get to submit additional information for consideration. This hearing IS NOT the LAST OPPORTUNITY, no matter who tells you otherwise.

Committee member contact information and links are provided below.

Please pass this one so everyone can become a player.


The Subcommittee members are:
Hon. Bobby Scott, Chair (VI, 3rd District) - Tel: (202) 225-8351 (8354 Fax)
Hon. Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi (Puerto Rico) - Tel: (202) 225-2615 (2154 Fax)
Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY, 8th District) - Tel: (202) 225-5635 (No Fax)
Hon. Zoe Lofgren (CA, 16th District) - Tel: (202) 225-3072 (No Fax)
Hon. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX, 18th District) - Tel: (202) 225-3816 (3317 Fax)
Hon. Maxine Waters (CA, 35th District) - Tel: (202) 225-2201 (3854 Fax)
Hon. Steve Cohen (TN, 9th District) - Tel: (202) 225-3265 (5663 Fax)
Hon. Anthony Weiner (NY, 9th District) - Tel: (202) 225-6616 (no Fax)
Hon. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL, 20th District) - Tel: (202) 225-7931 (226-2052 Fax)

Hon. Louie Gohmert (TX, 1st District) - Tel: (202) 225-3035 (226-1230 Fax)
Hon. Ted Poe (TX, 2nd District) - Tel: (202) 225-6565 (No Fax)
Hon. Bob Goodlatte (VI, 6th District) - Tel: (202) 225-5431 (9681 Fax)
Hon. Daniel Lungren (CA, 3rd District) - Tel: (202) 225-5716 (226-1298 Fax)
Hon. J. Randy Forbes (VI, 4th District) - Tel: (202) 225-6365 (226-1170 Fax)
Hon. Thomas Rooney (FL, 16th District) - Tel: (202) 225-5792 (3132 Fax)

1 comment:

Bennie Walton said...

It is a relief that SORNA is now getting a second look as the first hearing on the AWA and SORNA took place March 10, 2009. The drawback I see even from the second look that I hope will have several hearings is that, representatives who will testify against the retrospective registration, notification, and tier systems will be ignored once again.

I am having trouble convincing people most affected that in order for congress to make significant changes to Title I, there must be a public uproar or outcry. I used the states as an example in their opposition to the section on juveniles, and title I, Congress has heard their uproar or outcry.

For us activist who want the right changes, we must produce a public uproar, and this means focusing on the public, and not necessarily on the legislators. It seems so logical, but there is opposition to this thinking amongst those most affected.

Lastly, what is the best way of finding out if there is a schedule for these hearings, and what is the best way to submit written testimony?