March 29, 2009

RI- Bill proposes Sex-Ed to Kindergarteners

3-29-2009 Rhode Island:

Parents say they are outraged over the proposal

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) - A controversial bill has sparked an age old debate on when is the right time to teach children about sex education.

Some lawmakers are saying that the basics about the "birds and bees" should start in Kindergarten. On Wednesday, there was a packed hearing at the state house about proposed legislation calling for sex education that is age appropriate.

But many parents say that teaching the basics of sex education to a five-year old child is not appropriate. Lawmakers have proposed an amendment that would clarify the law and would add weight to the importance of sex education to students.

"Most of the time we go along the lines of when they start asking questions you start answering," says Kyla Cornier.

But the proposed legislation calls for health education of students to begin in Kindergarten and that has some parents outraged.

Josetta Lewis has a young son and says, "I don't think so. I don't want my son learning that stuff right now. He knows his school work and that's all he needs to know."

Supporters of the bill say a climbing teen pregnancy rate in Rhode Island means what is being taught in schools now isn't working. Many parents say that is it their responsibility to teach their kids what they need to know. ..News Source.. by Melissa Sardelli

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