January 8, 2009

PA- Williams Township solicitor fears group home could house sex offenders

1-8-2009 Pennsylvania:

WILLIAMS TWP. | The social organization running an embattled group home for two men with autism typically treats individuals convicted of rape and felony sex crimes, a township solicitor said during a Wednesday zoning hearing.

Employees for Resources for Human Development Inc., the nonprofit social organization running the home, acknowledged that such individuals are sometimes treated by the group.

But Terri Trigiani, corporate assistant director for the organization, said the two 26-year-old men residing at the 400 County Line Road property have never been arrested for any such crimes.

"Where they're going is a remarkable place to go," Trigiani said of questions raised by township Solicitor Brian Monahan.

Monahan said he did not know if the two men at the home fit those criteria because the organization has never provided such information to the township.

"We simply have not been given that information," Monahan said. "But it is conceivable that those types of individuals could be treated down the road."

Richard Adams, township zoning officer, said the agriculturally zoned property doesn't allow for group homes. He also said the group would require a business permit, which was never sought.

But Richard DeMarco, an attorney representing Resources for Human Development, said under the federal Fair Housing Act, such group homes are permitted as long as the number of tenants does not exceed the number of family members allowed in a township residence.

DeMarco asked whether Adams reviewed the Fair Housing Act before issuing his cease and desist order. Adams said he had not.

Several neighbors in houses near the group home also testified Wednesday, claiming their concerns were not about the two autistic men, but about alleged questionable activities by the staff working there.

Peter Dunne, who has lived on Country Line Road for nine years, said he frequently hears loud noises, sees cars speeding on the road and has witnessed frequent late-night parties with up to 15 cars parked around the home.

Group home officials previously said family gatherings and picnics are sometimes held at the home. But William Gahres, another neighbor, said he has found beer bottles and other litter scattered around the home.

Testimony is expected to continue at future dates and the township zoning hearing board will render a ruling about the group home later. ..News Source.. by COLIN MCEVOY, The Express-Times