October 29, 2008

NV- Budget Cuts May End Halloween Sex Offender Checks

Use of FEAR to get money, sad!

10-29-2008 Nevada:

Sex offenders living in the valley may not get their regular Halloween night visit from their probation officers. Because of budget cuts, Parole and Probation cannot afford Operation Scarecrow, meant to keep trick-or-treaters safe.

The whole point of Operation Scarecrow is to make sure sex offenders have no contact with children. Offenders aren't allowed to have decorations and cannot hand out candy. But this year, the state can't afford to pay the P&P officers who enforce these rules so they've had to come up with a different plan.

Halloween on a Friday may sound perfect for kids dressing up to trick-or-treat, but for the state's P&P office, it's a nightmare.

"The 31st is Nevada Day, which is a holiday and anybody who worked that day would have to get holiday premium pay, which is double time and half and the budget just can't handle that this year," said Ron Cuzze, President of the State Law Enforcement's Union.

He says with no money, P&P's Operation Scarecrow had to be moved. In years past, officers have gone door to door on Halloween night making sure sex offenders weren't luring children into their homes. Because of the holiday, to do that this year would cost more than $30,000.

He blames Governor Jim Gibbons' budget cuts, "He said that budget cuts would not affect public safety and we know now that budget cuts are so bad this it is affecting public safety."

Operation Scarecrow has now been moved up one day which some think defeats the entire purpose.

A few probation officers are also working with federal authorities and Metro on Halloween night to make sex offenders are following the rules.

"There are certain sex offenders in our community that have to register with us and they need to remain in compliance and we have officers assigned to make sure they are in compliance," said Metro Officer Cris Johnson.

But Cuzze thinks this may be just a glimpse of what's to come, "I'm very concerned that public safety is taking a back seat to the budget restraints. I believe that we could be entering in some dangerous waters for the public."

The governor's office says it's not the best situation to move Operation Scarecrow to the night before Halloween, but the governor says he still has confidence that the Department of Public Safety is doing all they can to make sure kids are safe. ..News Source.. by 8 EyeWitness News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the states enacting and passing additional laws for Halloween!!!
I guess legislatures and the general population forget there are 365 days(one more in a leap year)in a year.

Oh--I get it the other restrictions and registry are for the rest of the year but Halloween is "special" because sex offenders choose only that day to commit a crime against a child.