September 7, 2008

NJ- NJ lawmaker wants sex offenders to register e-mail

Another lawmakers who refuses to look at the evidence, evidence of who is commiting the Internet sex crimes, it is not former sex offenders, it is new folks who have never before been convicted of a sex crime. When MySpace removed 37,000 sex offender accounts, only one of them had committed an online crime involving a minor. The problems with administrating e-mail addresses are vast like a mountain one has never climbed before. These lawmakers know nothing about the Internet.

9-7-2008 New Jersey:

TRENTON, N.J. - New Jersey sex offenders _ who already must tell state authorities where they live and work _ would be required to divulge their personal e-mail addresses and share their passwords as well, under a proposal sponsored by a lawmaker who represents the district where Megan's Law began.

Assemblywoman Linda Greenstein, D-Mercer, said the new restrictions would allow parole officers to monitor convicted sex offenders' e-mail use.

"Anonymous Internet usage wasn't envisioned when Megan's Law was enacted, but it's now commonplace," Greenstein said. "We have a duty to ensure sex offenders cannot hide behind a secretive user name when hunting for new potential victims."

Greenstein, who is chairwoman of the Assembly Judiciary Committee, has supported other laws restricting sex offenders.

The current bill, A-1554, would extend Megan's Law restrictions on paroled sex offenders, including those under lifetime supervision.

Greenstein represents the central New Jersey district where 7-year-old Megan Kanka was raped and murdered by a neighbor, a convicted sex offender. Megan's parents said they would have warned their daughter had they known about the neighbor. They successfully lobbied for community notification of a sex offender's presence.

Megan's Law, first enacted in New Jersey in 1994 before spreading to other states and federal law, mandates notification whenever a sex offender moves into a neighborhood. Many states publish sex offenders' addresses online.

The current proposal would require anyone under Megan's Law restrictions to register their e-mail addresses and passwords. It also would require offenders to notify the state of any e-mail address changes 10 days before sending or receiving electronic correspondence, and would subject sex offenders under supervision to periodic, unannounced examinations of their computers.

The maximum penalty for those who don't comply would be up to 18 months in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.

The bill has been referred to the Assembly Judiciary Committee. A similar bill in the last legislative session was approved by that committee, but did not advance further.

The New Jersey Legislature adopted a law in January makes it illegal for some registered sex offenders to use the Internet.

The state law restricts Internet use for anyone who used a computer to help commit his original sex crime, such as trying to lure a potential victim with electronic correspondence. The law also may be applied to paroled sex offenders under lifetime supervision, but exempts computer work done as part of a job or search for employment.

The state Parole Board last year also adopted a rule prohibiting sex offenders under their supervision from using the Internet to socialize or use social networking sites. ..News Source.. by ANGELA DELLI SANTI


Editor #2 said...

I do not live in this state, but if I did, there would be no way in hell they would get my passwords.

Email addresses is one thing, passwords is a whole different issue, and if they did get this, we all know how easy it would be for a ticked off cop, or someone else, to use that and frame a sex offender by doing who knows what.

Sorry, but I will never give out my password, period...

Anonymous said...

I too live in another state. My state recently enacted the same law, albeit sans the password requirement. As a lifetime registrant I must re-register every 3 months. I called ahead of time to ask them what new info I was required to bring next time. The (ill informed) cop said email addresses AND passwords. I told her who I was and that she should have her cuff ready because I would NOT be giving her any of my passwords, that I did banking online and hosted many people's websites. She told me I'd better call the _BI (mystate Bureau of Investigation) to confirm because she wasn't sure what the law is!
NOTICE: The police don't know what the law is! Conduct yourselves accordingly.

Anonymous said...

RSO's, you MUST set up your email client to NOT automatically open executables or attachments.
When government has your email address the possibility of them sending you kiddy porn is very real. It's no longer considered entrapment!

Anonymous said...

Apparently they are afraid to enact legislation denying RSOs access to the Internet/computers in total. So they are using a well documented strategy of laying the foundation.

Once established, it can be used against any offender, including those arrested at the RNC in St. Paul.