June 15, 2008

Bureau of Prisons: Annual Determination of Average Cost of Incarceration

6-15-2008 National:

Think about what it is costing taxpayers for the longer sentences caused by the Adam Walsh Act. i.e., Failure to provide or update address, school attendence, or employment up to ten years in federal prison ($249,220.00) and that does not include the costs of employees to track and find the registrant.

Another example is, catching someone in a "To catch a predator" type sting, up to 30 years in federal prison ($747,660.00). These sentences will eventually bankrupt the government.

Just thinking out loud!

SUMMARY: The fee to cover the average cost of incarceration for Federal inmates in Fiscal Year 2007 was $24,922. In addition, the average annual cost to confine an inmate in a Community Corrections Center for Fiscal Year 2007 was $22,871.


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