February 22, 2008

Judge Takes House Of Convicted Child Pornographer

2-22-2008 Texas:

DALLAS (CBS 11 News) ―
A North Texas judge makes a rare decision in the case of a man convicted of possessing child porn. Jeffery Davis faces 10 years in prison and will also lose his house as part of his sentence.

Taking property is one way federal authorities say they plan to show that crimes against children will not be tolerated.

When Davis was arrested for possessing child pornography last August it must have seemed like déjà vu, but those living around him knew nothing of his criminal past. "I've known him for like 14 years, like everybody says one of the nicest people you could ever want to know," said neighbor Mark Stowe.

Seven years earlier Davis had faced and been convicted of the same charge, in the same house. The first time he faced a judge he was sentenced to 15 months in prison, this time, with more than 600 pornographic images found in his house and on his computer, a federal judge threw the book at him.

"We felt like, since it was near a school and because of his prior use of child pornography, we would take the unusual step of forfeiting his house," U.S. Attorney Richard Roper.

Once his prison term is served Davis also faces up to 20 years of supervised release. It's one of the first cases in the country in which a child pornographer has lost his house as part of his punishment.

The U.S. Attorney's Office says it sends a loud and clear message to would-be child pornographers. Davis' neighbor doesn't disagree. "The second time, he should get the full extent of the law," Stowe said.

Davis plead guilty to the most recent charges last October, forfeiting his house was part of a plea agreement. ..more.. by

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