July 19, 2007

Deaths in Custody Statistical Tables

July 2007:

This site contains a series of data tables describing recent trends in mortality in State prison, local jails and State juvenile correctional facilities. Data are presented over time, by jurisdiction and by demographic groups. The mortality data are from the BJS Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP), which was launched in 2000 to implement the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-297).

BJS phased in implementation of the Act over a four-year period. Data collection on deaths in local jail facilities began in 2000, followed by collection from State prison authorities in 2001. In 2002 BJS began collecting records of deaths from all State juvenile correctional systems. These collections involved individual-level reports of each death, as opposed to aggregated counts.

In 2003 BJS began collecting data on arrest-related deaths involving the nearly 18,000 State and local law enforcement agencies in the United States. Statistical tables on arrest-related deaths are forthcoming (Fall 2007).

To access data tables, click on one of the criminal justice populations below:

State prison deaths, 2001-2005
Local jail deaths, 2000-2005
State juvenile correctional facility
deaths, 2002-2005

Print version of all tables in PDF format (501 KB file)

For detailed analyses, see the following BJS publications:

Medical Causes of Death in State Prisons, 2001-2004
(January 2007, NCJ 216340)
Provides an in-depth look at the various medical conditions related to mortality in State prisons.

Suicide and Homicide in State Prisons and Local Jails
(August 2005, NCJ 210036)
Presents detailed data on suicide and homicide rates in correctional facilities over time, as well as comparative rates of such deaths for different groups of inmates. ..more.. by DOJ

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