June 27, 2007

State Sex Offender Treatment Programs: 50 State Survey

November 2000:

Formal sex offender treatment programs are being conducted in 39 states. There were 154,518 sex offenders incarcerated in 43 states that provided statistics, among those states sex offenders represented 26% of the total prison population. Thirty four states provided the duration of their programs: 28 offer 1+ years, of those, 19 are 3-year programs, and 8 are over 3 years long. States were unanimous in using cognitive behavioral treatment with relapse prevention as the focus.

The 12-states without any prison sex offender therapy program are: Alabama, California, Delaware, Dist. of Columbia, Florida, Idaho (under consideration), Maine, Mississippi, Nevada (informal one running), Oregon, West Virginia (under review), and Wyoming (in transition). ..more.. by Mary West, EdD, DOC Deputy Director of Special Operations, -and- C. Scott Hromas, DOC Director of Research -and- Paula Wenger, Consultant, Colorado Department of Corrections

UPDATE:State Sex Offender Treatment Programs: 50 State Survey
February 2002:

Note: This is the largest (in physical size) statistical chart I have ever seen, 45" by 25" inches, it is very hard to deal with without a magnifier. Good luck, if you can read it, but there are ways, it is a very valuable update.

There are STILL 10-states without any prison sex offender therapy programs are: Alabama, California, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, North Dakota (unknown), Oregon. ..more.. by CO-DOC

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