June 15, 2007

Just The Facts About Online Youth Victimization: Researchers Present the Facts and Debunk Myths

5-3-2007 National:
The nation's foremost academic researchers on child online safety presented their research and answered questions over a luncheon panel on May 3. This was the first time these prominent academics have appeared together to present their research, which, altogether, represents volumes of data on the state of online youth victimization and online youth habits. More than likely you have heard pieces of their research quoted (or misquoted) on Capitol Hill during the last 12 months as Congress struggles to understand these issues. The discussion covered issues related to online youth safety including recent trends and the latest research. A sampling of their academic works are posted on the Resources page. ..more.. by Dr. David Finkelhor, Director, Crimes against Children Research Center (CCRC), University of New Hampshire -and- Danah Boyd, Researcher, University of California, Berkeley and Fellow, University of Southern California Annenberg Center for Communications -and- Dr. Michele Ybarra, President, Internet Solutions for Kids and author of several studies on youth online

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