June 19, 2007

Collateral Consequences of Sex Offender Registration

June 2005:

Sex offender registrationwas widely implemented in the 1990s as a means of enhancingcommunity awareness of sex offenders to promote community safety. This study is one of the first examinations of the collateral consequences of sex offender registration from the perspective of the offender. Drawing on data from 121 registered sex offenders in Kentucky, this research shows that social stigmatization, loss of relationships, employment, and housing, and both verbal and physical assaults are experienced by a significant minority of registered sex offenders. ..more.. by Richard Tewksbury, University of Louisville

This study is flawed in various ways, while the study says there were 795 subjects (33%) polled (randomly?) from the registry, only 121 were actually used, a small sample. The study excluded 3 groups of possible subjects: 1) Those with unknown addresses, and these could have a major impact on the study because the registry does cause registrants to be evicted. While it would be hard, or impossible, to find these folks, the researcher should have made a footnote that this group, if found, could significantly change the results; Those who recently registered (within the past 6 months), this is the group who would most likely experience consequences from the community when exposed to the community by the registry. After the initial shock of a RSO living in the community public awareness wanes; and thirdly, those incarcerated. Generally speaking the community does little about this group unless they seek services in the community.

One only has to look at the following to know that attacks on sex offenders are WIDESPREAD and includes murders of many. The main problem with this study is, the conclusion that "only a significant minority of RSOs experience collateral consequences from being registered." The study looked only at 10 possible consequences when daily RSOs experience many subtle consequences which the study failed to consider, including consequences to family members living with registrants.

On Sex Offender Vigilantism
On Sex Offender Murders
Compilation of Deaths

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is it flawed, Because someone disagrees?